Love Your Life


Quietmind Portraits by Eric Weinhardt

You did everything you were supposed to do. You went to college and graduated with a good career choice. You landed the job. You moved out and got your own place. And now every day feels like the movie Groundhog's Day. You get up, go to work and most likely stay late or work a second job, come home and finish household chores, and go to bed to do it all over again. By the time the weekend arrives you are overwhelmed and exhausted and just want to plop on the couch and veg out for the weekend. But then you get on Facebook and see your friends getting engaged, buying houses, and having kids. How come everyone else seems to have it all together when you can barely make it through the week?


Adulting is hard! Especially with all of the social pressures telling you who to be and what to do with your life. And the reality is that this world is a lot different than our grandparents' or even our parents' world. One income households are a rarity. Pets are the new fur children. There are different obstacles facing us with changing technology and politics.

I encourage you to break the mold and dare to be different. Instead of trying to keep up with the Jones's, I want to teach you how to love your life not theirs! Find passion in the work you do. Find that work and life balance you so desperately need. Live freely with your choices, even if it's not what Grandma had in mind for you.

Ready to start living better? 

dana renee counseling
(407) 476-9666
[email protected]


I promise I won't spam your account, just a weekly inspirational mental health topic and challenge to better yourself!

Providing virtual counseling to Clermont, Lake Mary, Sanford, Orlando, Windermere, Heathrow, and the whole state of Florida as well as Bethlehem, Allentown, and the whole state of PA.

Office Hours


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





